Our goal is to have satisfied customers; musicians who feel both comfortable and inspired playing our instruments. Equally, we maintain a respectful approach to historic organs.
Rudolf Meyer (Winterthur)
Organist of Winterthur Stadtkirche and Professor of Organ at the Musikhochschule Zürich from 1976 to 2001, organ-building expert
„In my role as an expert in the building of new organs, I have worked with Peter Meier from Rheinfelden on various projects. He possesses outstanding organ-building skills. In particular, he achieves excellent results in challenging projects, through careful attention and good intuition, both in technical implementation and in the adaptation of the instrument to the church space."
Olivier Latry (Paris)
Organist of Notre-Dame de Paris, Professor at the Conservatoire de Paris
„In the context of the renovation of the Paris Conservatoire organs, Peter Meier built a practice organ in the Romantic style with 10 stops. It was a challenging task: voicing in a small space, achieving the required sound characteristics to suit the style, and at the same time adapting these to the size of the room.
Peter Meier worked wonders. The organ has a singing sound, unfolding in the space without aggression, while remaining full and very uplifting. An exceptionally meticulous piece of work has been created, and we count ourselves lucky to have such an instrument at our disposal in our institution. In addition, we greatly appreciate the collaborative approach, characterised by an openness and willingness to engage in dialogue on the part of Peter Meier and his staff. The result, in the form of this organ, speaks for itself." -
Thomas Haubrich (Amriswil)
Organist and Master of music at Saint Stephan Amriswil TG
Organ-expert V.O.D.„Organ builder Peter Meier and his team took care of our Wetter chest organ from the 1960s with a lot of love and care.
Among the many repairs, a high Cymbal stop was replaced by a much more useful treble Principal 8 ', so that the organ can be used much better to accompany soloists and choirs at church services and concerts. The neo-baroque Pommer-like Gedackt 8' was revoiced, improved and significantly optimized. It appears to be one of the most beautiful wooden Gedackt that I know and can now be played for hours without tiring the ears thanks to this careful revoicing and its wonderfully characteristic response. The beautiful Principalino 8' in the treble from tenor A is an excellent tonal enrichment. Peter Meier and his people really gave this “somewhat outdated treasure” a surprising new life!" -
Jean-Charles Ablitzer (Belfort)
Organiste titulaire de la cathédrale de Belfort, F, concertiste international
„With this letter I wish to testify to the great skill of organ-builder Peter Meier. He has been responsible for the maintenance of the Belfort city organs for two decades. In 2012 he renovated the great organ of Belfort Cathedral, with 52 stops on 4 manuals. The work, carried out with great skill, is much admired by experts and organists. Peter Meier also restored the Valdoie Church organ, built in the Renaissance style. There, too, his work has proved exemplary. In addition to his skills in design and construction, Peter Meier has also proved himself, both in the construction of new organs and in restorations, to be an excellent voicer - a special and rare ability."
Diego Ares (Bâle)
Harpsicordist and organist
„The organ sounds wonderful and brings joy to my days. The work you have done on it is exceptional; the instrument could not have wished for better hands than yours. "
Pierre-Alain Clerc (Aigle)
Organist an verschiedenen Kirchen in Lausanne
Professor an den Musikhochschulen in Lausanne und Genf sowie Unterrichtstätigkeit am CNSM in Lyon„Ich habe Peter Meier vor vielen Jahren kennen gelernt, im Rahmen verschiedener Orgelneubauten von Orgelbau Felsberg. Deren Intonateur Jean-Marie Tricoteaux hat mir Peter Meier für verschiedene Arbeiten an den Orgeln der historischen italienischen Orgel der Kirche St. Laurent in Lausanne (heute: Orgelmuseum Roche) empfohlen. Zu dieser ersten Empfehlung kam das Wissen, dass Peter Meier von verschiedenen Meistern des Métiers ausgebildet worden ist, die für technisch und klanglich hochstehende Instrumente bekannt sind. Neben Jean-Marie Tricoteaux mit seinem grossen Wissen und Erfahrung in der Intonation auch andere grosse Namen wie Marc Garnier.
Des öfteren spielte ich Continuo auf von Peter Meier gebauten Truhenorgeln, die mir mit der hohen klanglichen und technischen Qualität immer als überdurchschnittlich aufgefallen sind.
Als wir uns zum Bau einer Salon-Orgel entschlossen hatten, fiel die Wahl auf Peter Meier. Auf Anhieb ist er auf unsere Wünsche eingegangen und hat sich der Herausforderung gestellt: Eine Salon-Orgel im romantischen Stil zu bauen.
Dank seines Könnens ist es ihm gelungen, in engsten Platzverhältnissen eine Mechanik mit bemerkenswerter Leichtgängigkeit und Flexibilität zu bauen. Peter Meier hat dabei immer wieder seinen Einfallsreichtum bei der Lösung von technischen Schwierigkeiten bewiesen.
Schliesslich muss ich die beispielhafte Kunstfertigkeit und Voraussicht für den klanglichen Teil hervorheben.
Die fertiggestellte Orgel, die Inbetriebnahme, die spätere Pflege, dies alles zeugt von der vorhandenen Gewissenhaftigkeit und ebensolchem Talent." -
Guy-Baptiste Jaccottet (Vevey)
Organist at La-Tour-de-Peilz, Professor at Lausanne Conservatory
„What a joy to play the organ in the studio 129 of the Lausanne conservatory, after the rebuilding by Peter Meier. The Dulzian 16' of the HW is now in the POS and far more useful in 8' instead of the former Vox Humana. And a wonderful new Quintade 8' placed on the former position of the Dulzian in the HW. A general tuning in top of that makes the organ sound at top form, ready for the start of the organ class, the number of pupils has doubled ☺️. Thanks to Peter and his team for the impeccable lob!"